Essential tips:

Feeding Newborn Babies


Feeding your newborn, the main event, especially at the beginning.

Every parents wants to get the feeding and growing right.

Your baby is probably eating morning, noon and night, almost non-stop!

Feeding is foundational.

A crucial aspect of babies early development and overall optimal well-being.

Be sure you are giving enough and the right ways. Hint: It really isn't what "they" say.

Find out what your body and your baby are saying.

As a new parent, it's natural to have questions and seek guidance on how to ensure your baby receives the nourishment you and baby needs.

Often we think feeding and baby care is going to be easy.

It's simple: Put the baby to the breast, or give them the bottle, they latch, suck and swallow.

They finish the milk, and that’s it. glug, glug, all gone, in a few moments...How hard can it be?

You feed half way and burp, then set them down. they cry, you start all oven again. When they have eaten and are not hungry, you put them down, "time to sleep" you think.

'crying is good for their lungs" you heard from your grandma.

Holding baby until sleep happens, on you. then yo feel guilty that somehow you are going to disrupt their lifelong sleep patterns or how will you ever get any real rest in this position?

The newborn time is often a "shit show" Literally. It is also a fun and exciting time.

Your welcoming a new person into your family and becoming the parents you wish to be.

Supports and guidance throughout these fast changing times can make the difference between ease and struggle.

Know what is right for you. Learn your specifics. The things going on, unique to you which might not be captured in books, numbers, graphs or late night online searches.

One on one consults for all things eating, sleeping and pooping (aka digestion) for your newborn baby! Parent best feeding tips, based on your real life; not some standard and timed “have to”. Sessions can be in person or online from anywhere in the world.

Visit times are varied to accommodate the newborn WTF baby schedule.

Get clear on feedings. Feel good and know your baby is thriving!

Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond!

Why is breastfeeding so good for you and baby. Elements to imitate and valuable tips no matter how you choose to feed your baby.


Bottle Feedings: All the which ones, when, how much, with what and why!

Feeding: When how much, be sure. Regressions! growth spurts!

Newborn feeding, sleeping and all the schedules:

Knowing this for you and your baby is a serious game changer!

Develop a realistic ideal schedule

Burping and Digestion:

What to do. How much is too much?

What is all this talk about suck training?

Feeding Cues and Communication:

Schedule your consult for 1:1 guidance and techniques to work and instruct milk making and milk taking.. Supporting optimal nourishment and growth no matter what and how you feed your baby. responsive feeding and communication interventions and techniques. What is your body and your baby saying and expecting?

Special Considerations:

Feeding twins or multiples, your set ups, needs and instructions might be very different.

Customized care.

Feeding a premature baby or a baby with special needs?

Coming home from the NICU? Let's get on a call.

Second opinions and expanded awareness can be helpful.

• Wanna go over baby wearing or strategies for feeding when traveling or out and about?

Feeding your newborn well is a learning experience for you and your baby.

Once it seems perfect, it changes! Babies are growing and developing.

These sessions give you the personalized guidance, know how, experiences and confidence to do baby care and feedings in the ways that work best for you and your family.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Does feeding hurt?🤔

Feeding doesn’t hurt, when it’s going right.

It's time for a change if feeding is giving you agony or discomfort. I'm here to offer knowledgeable directions and assistance. If you want to nurse or feed with a bottle, my job is to help you find the ways that work best for you, your baby and family.

This is different than just “breast or bottle”, how much and for how long, which side and is it a tongue or lip tie? I can evaluate the problem, provide strategies to reduce pain and make feeding more comfortable because I'm a qualified feeding consultant.

I’ve helped thousands of families to feel better about feeding, no matter how they feed.

Tailored support and relief happens during a consult.